
Saturday, 14 December 2024

Direct imaging of a possible planet orbiting the fast moving star HIP 36277.

In the past three decades almost six thousand exoplanets (planets orbititing stars other than our Sun) have been detected, using a variety of methods. Direct imaging has proven to be a useful technique for detecting planets with masses greater-than-or-equal-to that of Jupiter at distances of more than 10 AU from their host stars (i.e. more than ten times as far from their host stars as the Earth is from the Sun). Notable planets discovered in this way include 51 Eridani b, which has a mass 2.6 times that of Jupiter and orbits a star 96 light years from Earth in the constellation of Eridanus at a distance of 11.1 AU, HIP 65426 b (formally named Najsakopajk), which has a mass 7.1 times that of Jupiter, and orbits a star 385 light years from Earth in the constellation of Centaurus at a distance of 87 AU, and PDS 70 b and PDS 70 c, which have masses of 3.2 and 7.5 times that of Jupiter, and orbit a star 370 light years from Earth in the constellation of Centaurus at distances of 20.8 and 34.3 AU, respectively.

However, large planets at large separations from their host stars are relatively rare, which means that a large number of stellar systems have to be surveyed in this way in order to detect a few planets. Most giant planets known orbit their host stars at distances of 1-3 AU, which would make direct imaging them with current technology impossible if they are more than about 50 parsecs (163.1 light years) away from us. 

The radial velocity method uses the movement of stars to detect to infer the presence of companions. This has proven very effective as a  way to detect very large planets close to stars, such as Beta Pictoris c, which has a mass about nine times that of Jupiter, and orbits a star 63 light years from Earth in the constellation of Pictor at a distance of about 2.7 AU, or HD206893 c, which has a mass about 12.7 times that of Jupiter, and orbits a star 125 light years from  Earth in the constellation of Capricornus,  at a distance of 3.53 AU.

The proper motion anomaly method can identify potential companions to stars by measuring their parallax (the amount they move in a year because we are observing them from different points on the Earth's orbit) over several years; if the star moves more than predicted (i.e. anomalously), then this is likely to be because of an unseen companion moving the star. This method has been used to identify several potential planets which have subsequently been directly imaged. These include HIP 99770 b, which has a mass of about 16 times that of Jupiter, and which orbits a star 133 light years from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus at a distance of 17 AU, AF Leporis b, which is 2-5 times the mass of Jupiter and orbits a star 87.5 light years from Earth in the constellationof Lepus, as well as the brown dwarf HD21152 B, which has a mass 22-36 times that of Jupiter, and which orbits a star 150 light years from Earth in the constellation of Taurus at a distance of about 18 AU.

In a paper published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society on 9 December 2024, a team of astronomers led by Dino Mesa of the Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova present the results of a study which targeted three stars in the Hipparcos-Gaia PMa catalogue identified as having proper motion anomalies with the SHARK-NIR coronagraphic camera and LMIRCam camera and coronagraph of the Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona. 

Because they were interested in planetary-sized companion bodies, rather than secondary stars, Mesa et al. looked for stars which showed small proper motion anomalies, and because they wished to be able to image bodies within 10 AU of their host star, they restricted themselves to objects within 50 parsecs (163 light years) of the Earth.

The first star selected, HIP 11696 A (also known as HD 15407 A) is an F-type (yellow-white dwarf) star with a mass about 1.40 times that of our Sun, 49.3 parsecs (160.8 light years) from Earth in the constellation of Persius. HIP 11696 is a young star, which has been estimated to be about 80 million years old, although it is also thought likely to be a member of the AAB Doradus Moving Group, which would make it between 125 and 149 million years old. Mesa et al. use an intermediate age of 137 million years for their calculations in their study.

HIP 11696 A has a companion star, HIP 1696 B, which is a K-type (orange dwarf) star with about 80% of the mass of our Sun, separated by about 1000 AU - far enough to be excluded from the field of view of the SHARK-NIR instrument. HIP 11696 A appears to be producing an unusual amount of light in the mid-infrared range, which may be indicative of a recent collision between rocky planets of planetary embryos in the inner part of the system. A debris disk has been detected at a distance of 0.6-1.0 AU from the star, which makes it unlikely that there are any massive planets orbiting close to the star. Nevertheless, an anomaly in the motion of HIP 11696 A which could not be explained by the presence of HIP 11969 B was detected. It has been suggested that this might be caused by a planet with a mass about 6.39 times that of Jupiter orbiting at 3 AU from HIP 11696 A, or a planet with a mass about 16.6 times that of Jupiter orbiting at about 30 AU from the star.

HIP 11696 A was observed with the SHARK-NIR and LMIRCam instrument on the night of 28 October 2023. Mesa et al. detected a bright object to the southeast of the star at a distance of 1.5" (1.5 arc seconds; the sky can be imagined as a sphere surrounding the Earth, divided into 360 degrees (°), with each degree divided into 60 arc minutes (') and each arc minute divided into 60 arc seconds (")). However, this object was also imaged previously by the Keck II telescope in November 2009, and the Gemini North Telescope in August 2013, with no movement relative to HIP 11696 A between these images, leading Mesa et al. to conclude that this is in fact a background object rather than a planetary companion to the star. Based upon this inability to image a planet close to the star, Mesa et al. calculate that if a planet is responsible for the observed wobble in HIP 11696 A's orbit, then this is likely to be between 2.5 and 28 AU from the star, and have a mass 4-16 times that of Jupiter.

(Top) Final image obtained for HIP 11696 using SHARK-NIR data. This image was obtained by applying a PCA method subtracting 5 principal components. (Bottom) Final image obtained for HIP 11696 using LMIRCam data. In this case, a PCA method subtracting 10 principal components was applied. In both cases, a bright candidate companion is visible South-East from the star. Because the image is looking up, the positions of east and west are reversed. Mesa et al. (2024).

The second star identified, HIP 47110 A (also known as HD 82939 A) is a G-type (yellow dwarf) star with about 98% of the mass of our Sun, 38.7 parsecs (126.2 light years) from Earth in the constellation of Leo Minor. HIP 47110 A has been identified as a possible member of the Pleiades Moving group, with an age of approximately 112 million years.

HIP 47110 A has a companion star, HIP 47110 B, which is a M-type (red dwarf) star with a separation of larger than 162" (interpreted to be more than 6280 AU), enabling it to be excluded from the field of vision. Again, there is an anomaly in the motion of HIP 47110 A which cannot be explained by the presence of HIP 447110 B, and which has been hypothesized to be caused by a planet. It has been suggested that this might be caused by a planet with a mass about 2.5 times that of Jupiter orbiting at between 5 and 10 AU from HIP 47110 A, or a planet with a mass about 11.35 times that of Jupiter orbiting at about 30 AU from the star.

HIP 47110 A was observed on the night of 20 February 2024, but no potential companion was observed. Based upon this, Mesa et al. exclude the possibility of a planet close to star, calculating that the observed orbitary wobble must be caused by a planet between 3 and 30 AU from the star with a mass of between 2 and 10 times that of Jupiter.

The third star in the study, HIP 36277, is a K-type (orange dwarf) star with a mass 0.67 times that of our Sun, located 46.3 parsecs (151 light years) from the Earth in the constellation of Dorado. HIP 36277 was identified as a young runaway star (star which has been ejected from the star cluster which birthed it, and which is therefore travelling at a high speed in a distance at odds with galactic rotation) with an age of about 41.2 million years. However, spectrographic analysis of the star has suggested a much older age, most probably more than a billion years old and possibly more than 10 billion years. 

An anomaly on the motion of HIP 36277, which has been interpreted as potentially due to a planet with a mass 2.3 times that of Jupiter at a distance of 5 AU from the star, 2.64 times that of Jupiter at 10 AU from the star, or 15.18 times the mass of Jupiter at 30 AU from the star.

HIP 36277 was observed on the night of 21 February 2024, with a bright object observed to the southeast of the star in both SHARK-NIR and LMIRCam images. This body could also be identified in images from the Gaia space telescope, with similar parallax and proper motion values, which demonstrates physical association with the star. The object is separated from the star by 1.9". The precise size of this object is difficult to calculate, given the uncertainty of the age of the star, but Mesa et al. calculate that if the star is 41 million years old, then it would have a mass of between 16.2 and 73.9 times that of Jupiter (with a median value of 37.8 Jupiter masses), making it most likely a brown dwarf companion to the star (brown dwarfs are objects intermediate to stars and planets in size; they are not large enough to fuse ordinary hydrogen in their cores, but are large enough to fuse the heavier isotope deuterium). However, if the star is about five billion years old, then the body is likely to have a mass about 0.1 times that of our Sun, making it a small M-type (red dwarf) star. 

A second object was also visible in the SHARK-NIR data, but not observed by LMIRCam. This object is to the south of the star, and separated by about 0.0625", which Mesa et al. calculate to be equivalent to about 28.9 AU. Again, the mass of such an object would be dependent on its age, with a 41-million-year-old object having a mass about 7.6 times that of Jupiter, making it a large planet, while at 5 billion years old it would have a mass between 65.9 and 72.1 times that of Jupiter, again indicative of a brown dwarf.

(Top) Final image obtained for HIP 36277 using SHARK-NIR data. This image was obtained by applying a PCA method subtracting 5 principal components. (Bottom) Final image obtained for HIP 36277 using LMIRCam data. In this case, a PCA method subtracting 10 principal components was applied. In both cases, a bright candidate companion is visible southeast from the star. Furthermore, in the SHARK-NIR image, a possible fainter object is visible just south of the star. Mesa et al. (2024).

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