
Sunday, 8 December 2024

Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake off the coast of Northern California.

The United States Geological Survey recorded a Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake at a depth of about 10.0 km a little  over 50 km off Cape Mendocino in Humboldt County, California, slightly before 10.45 am local time (slightly before 6.45 pm GMT) on Thursday 5 December 2024. There are no reports of any casualties associated with this event, but the size and location of the Earthquake led to a tsunami being issued, advising about half a million people in California to seek high ground (in the event no tsunami was recorded), and minor damage to highways and buildings were recorded in several places, as well as disruption to power networks which left about 10 000 people in Humbolt County without power. The initial Earthquake has been followed by a large number of aftershocks, with the USGS estimating there is a 5% chance of another quake with a Magnitude of 6.0 or greater occurring in the same area within a week, and a 34% chance of a quake with a Magnitude of 5.0 or greater occurring.

The approximate location of the 5 December 2024 California Earthquake. USGS.

California is extremely prone to Earthquakes due to the presence of the San Andreas Fault, a tectonic plate margin that effectively bisects the state. The west of California, including Santa Barbara and Los Angeles, is located on the Pacific Plate, and is moving to the northwest. The east of California, including Fresno and Bakersfield is on the North American Plate, and is moving to the southeast. The plates do not move smoothly past one-another, but constantly stick together then break apart as the pressure builds up. This has led to a network of smaller faults that criss-cross the state, so that Earthquakes can effectively occur anywhere.

Goods knocked from shelves in Hoby's Market & Deli in Scotia, California, following a Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake on 5 December 2024. Dylan McNeil/The Times Standard/AP.

However, the 5 December 2024 Earthquake happened close to the southern part of the Mendocino Fracture Zone, a westward extension of the San Andreas Fault, where the Gorda Plate to the north is moving westward relative to the Pacific Plate to the south. Along this boundary the rocks of the two plates continuously stick together, then become stressed as the motion of the two plates draws them apart. This stress builds up until the rocks are forcibly snapped apart, which we experience as Earthquakes.

A crack is seen on Blue Slide Road in Rio Dell, California, following a Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake on 5 December 2024. City of Rio Dell/ABC News.

The Gorda Plate, along with the Explorer and Juan de Fuca Plates are remnants of an ancient oceanic plate, the Fallaron Plate which has almost completely disappeared beneath North America. The Fallaron Plate formerly diverged from the Pacific Plate along the Fallaron Ridge, but as the plate has been subducted both it and the ridge have broken up. The remnants of the plate are now the Explorer Plate in the north, then the Juan de Fuca Plate, then the Gorda Plate in the south. This borders onto the Pacific Plate along the Mendocino Fracture Zone, which extends on land as the San Andreas Fault.

North of California the San Andreas Fault becomes the Mendocino Fracture Zone. USGS.

Witness accounts of quakes can help geologists to understand these events and the rock structures that cause them. If you felt this quake (or if you were in the area but did not, which is also useful information) you can report it to the USGS here

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