Sunday 23 June 2024

Thismia malayana: A new species of Parasitc Plant from Peninsula Malaysia.

Thismias, Thismia spp., are a curious group on Monocotyledonous Plants found in the evergreen forests of tropical and subtropical Asia, northern and eastern Australia to New Zealand, the north-central USA, Costa Rica and southern tropical America. They are Mycoheterotrophs, obtaining nutrition parasitically from the network of Mycorrhizal Fungi which exchange nutrients with the Plants of the forest, but contributing nothing themselves to the relationship. Thismias do not photosynthesize, enabling them to live on the darkest parts of the forest floor, and live most of their lives below ground, occasionally producing intricate, but often inconspicuous, flowers at most a few centimetres high, which are pollinated by Fungus Knats or similar small Insects.

In a paper published in the journal Phytotaxa on 31 May 2024, Mat Yunoh Siti-Munirah of the Forest Research Institute Malaysia, independent researchers Chin Hardy-Adrian, Sharipudin Mohamad-Shafiq, and Zainuddin Irwan-Syah, and Abd Halim Hamidi of the Negeri Sembilan Forestry Department, describe a new species of Thismia from Peninsula Malaysia.

The new species is named Thismia malayana, where 'malayana' is derived from 'Malaya' the old name for Peninsula Malaysia. The species is described from a specimen collected in the Kuala Pilah District of Negeri Sembilan State, Malaysia, on a trail leading to Gunung Angsi mountain, in February 2023.

Thismia malayana (A) flowering plant (A1) floral tube, inner surface (A2) annulus and stamen filaments, view from inside (B) inflorescence with anthetic flower and several young fruits (B1) style and stigma (B2) annulus, top view (C) flower, side view (D), (E) stamens, view from inside and from outside, (E1) stamen supraconnectives: one pair of club-shaped inwards-pointing, one pair of acute outwards-pointing, and one central appendage (F) stamen supraconnectives, apical view (G) stamen tube, view from below (H), (H1) fruit after dehiscence, top view, (H2) seeds I shoot base with roots. Siti-Munirah et al. (2024).

Thismia malayana exists as a vermiform root, light brown, unbranching and about 1 mm in diameter, which produces a light brown herbaceous Plant, reaching a maximum height of about 10 cm. This above-ground Plant comprises a stem about 6 cm long and 0.2 cm in diameter, from which grow 2-4 scale-like brown leaves, and 1-4 asymmetrical, tube-shaped flowers, up to about 7 mm long and 5 mm in width, brown-to-off-white in colour, with orange longitudinal ribs, and an opening surrounded by six triangular tepals. 

Thismia malayana with scales (the finest grade is 0.5 mm) (A) side view (B) top view (C) the size compared to the 20-sen coin (23.59 mm in diameter). Photos by Chin Hardy-Adrian from uncollected plants. Siti-Munirah et al. (2024).
Thismia malayana is known from only two localities, one in the Gunung Angsi Forest Reserve in Negeri Sembilan State, and the other in Tengku Hassanal Wildlife Reserve in Pahang State. In both locations it grows in moist, shady areas of Diptocarp forests, at elevations of 200-450 m above sealeavel, usually producing flowers and fruit between December and February (although flowering in June has also been observed). 

Habitat (in situ) of Thismia malayana in Ulu Bendul Recreational Park in Gunung Angsi Forest Reserve (A), (B) and the Tengku Hassanal Wildlife Reserve (C)–(E). (A) Thismia malayana at its habitat, which is located right next to the main trail to Gunung Angsi. (B) Mat Yunoh Siti-Munirah showing the habitat of Thismia malayana. (C) Path to Lata Bujang and Gunung Benom (D) The plants growing on rotten wood (E) Sharipudin Mohamad-Shafiq observing a Thismia malayana in its habitat. Photos by Mat Yunoh Siti-Munirah (A), (B) and Sharipudin Mohamad-Shafiq (C)–(E). Siti-Munirah et al. (2024).

Thismia malayana is known only from two locations, with less than 10 individual Plants observed. Both locations are in protected areas, although on is quite close to a forest trail, where it might be disturbed by visitors. The species is extremely cryptic in nature, making it likely that is exists in other areas and has not been discovered. For these reasons, Siti-Munirah et al. recommend that the species be classified as Vulnerable under the terms of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species

See also...

Friday 21 June 2024

The deep history of the Hagfish.

The deep oceans serve as refugia for many groups of Animals which have effectively vanished in the shallow seas, including Coelacanths, Vampire Squid, Crinoids and Brittlestars, the living graptolite genus Rhabdopleura and other colonial Hemichordates, and several lineages of deep-sea Isopods, all of which seem to have diverged from their closest shallow-marine relatives more than 200 million years ago. Although generally thought of as evolutionary relicts, most of these groups appear to have undergone significant evolutionary diversification since entering the deep seas.

The Vertebrates underwent their first major evolutionary radiation in the oceans between the Ordovician and the Devonian, or between about 480 and 360 million years ago. Most living deep-sea Vertebrates, however, belong to a few relatively young groups, stemming from diversification events less than 100 million years ago. 

Although the first Vertebrates were jawless, by the End of the Devonian these had largely been eclipsed by jawed taxa, and today only two groups of Jawless Vertebrates survive, the Hagfish, Myxiniformes, and the Lampreys, Petromyzontiformes. The relationship between these groups, as well as the timing of divergence events between them, and within each group, remains unclear, though comparative genomic analysis has now confirmed that the two groups can be regarded as sister taxa (a variety of other relationships had been proposed, including a sister relationship between the Lampreys and Jawed Vertebrates, with the Hagfish being more distantly related to the two).

Hagfish form a significant proportion of the total biomass of Vertebrates on the deep ocean floor, with most species found on the continental slopes and ocean floors, between 200 m and 3 km beneath the surface, where they form an important part of the benthic ecosystem. Some species are found on the shallower ocean shelves, but these are rare. 

Hagfish have an Eel-like body with poorly developed eyes, a loose, scale-less skin, a minimal skeleton comprising a cartilaginous skull and rudimentary vertebrae, several auxiliary hearts, a mouth surrounded by barbels (short tentacles), a single nostril, and a single semicircular canal. The tongue of the Hagfish comprises a cartilaginous plate with two pairs of horny teeth, used to seize food and draw it into the mouth. 

In a paper published in the journal BMC Ecology & Evolution on 13 June 2024, Chase Doran Brownstein of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Yale University, and Thomas Near, also of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Yale University, and of the Yale Peabody Museum, present a time-calibrated phylogenetic tree for the Myxiniformes using data from fossils as well as a genetic dataset which includes 60% of living species of Hagfish.

Brownstein and Near were able to obtain sequences for the mitochondrial COI and 16S ribosomal DNA genes for 44 species of Hagfish from the GenBank database. This sample included two species of Rubicundus, two species of Neomyxine, 14 species of Myxine, and 26 species of Eptatretus, with an additional three potential species of Eptatretus from India, Japan, and Korea. the problematic ‘Notomyxine’ (= Myxine) tridentiger and several species   previously classified in ‘Quadratus’ and ‘Paramyxine'. 

This represents more than 50% of all known extant Hagfish species, although it does not include the problematic genus Nemamyxine, known only from two preserved specimens collected in the mid-twentieth century, with no genetic material available. This makes it impossible to place the genus Nemamyxine within a phylogenetic tree based upon genetic analysis, although Brownstein and Near note that it is thought to have close affinities to the genus Rubicundus, but also that there are problems with the validity of the genus. Both Nemamyxine and Rubicundus are defined as having an extremely slender body and an anteriorly placed ventral finfold that originates anterior of the ventral gill apertures, but this is also seen in many members of the genera Myxine and Eptatretus, as well as the Late Cretaceous fossil Hagfish, Tethymyxine tapirostrumNemamyxine is also defined as having a slender body depth and high slime pore counts, but these are also widespread in elongated Hagfish.

The first of two known specimens of Nemamyxine elongata, one of two described species in the genus Nemamyxine, which was found dead in a net in the Kaituna River on the Bay of Plenty on North Island, New Zealand, in 1958, and thought to have been a fishery discard. A second specimen was later recovered by a trawler from  the Canterbury Bight on the east coast of South Island, from a depth of between 132 and 140 m. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.

Brownstein and Near constructed phylogenies using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods, and the online Clustal Omega tool at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory - European Bioinformatics Institute online resource portal to aid in 16S alignments. For outgroups they used the jawed Ornate Birchir, Polypterus ornatipinnis, West African Lungfish, Protopterus annectens, and Australian Ghostshark, Callorhincus milii, and the Lampreys Geotria australis, Petromyzon marinus, and Lampetra fluviatilis.

A molecular clock methodology with fossils was used to calibrate the divergence of clades. This is challenging for Hagfish, as the fossil record for the group is extremely limited, and most fossils assigned to the group are poorly preserved and/or of dubious placement. The putative stem-hagfish Myxinikela siroka from the Late Carboniferous Francis Creek Shale of Illinois was included in the study, as was the Late Cretaceous crown group Hagfish Tethymyxine tapirostrum from the Hâdjula Lagerstätte of Lebanon, as were a number of fossil Lampreys (phylogenetically the closest group to the Hagfish).

The putative stem-Hagfish Myxinikela siroka from the Late Carboniferous Francis Creek Shale of Illinois. Miyashita (2020).

Data on the habitat preference of Hagfish species was collected from the FishBase database, with two identified environments, continental shelf (less than 200 m) and continental slope (more than 200 m). These were used to make a probability-based estimation of the ancestral state of Hagfish groups using the R package, with the possibility that species might be flexible in their choice of habitat taken into account using the fitpolyMk function.

Brownstein and Near consistently recovered the three major lineages of Hagfish (the Rubicundinae, Eptatretinae and Myxininae) as  valid and distinct taxa. The genus Neomyxine was recovered as the sister taxon the genus Myxine within the family Myxininae,  rather than being the sister group to all other extant Hagfish, as have been found by some previous studies. The Family Rubicundinae was recovered as the outgroup to other extant Hagfish, something which has been found by some previous studies. The study also suggests that the genera Quadratus and Paramyxine should be included within the genus Eptatretus, and the species Notomyxine tridentiger should be included within the genus Myxine.

Hagfish phylogeny and tempo of diversification. Tip-dated Bayesian maximum clade credibility phylogeny of jawless fishes from two independent runs in BEAST 2.6.6 showing the interrelationships of the major lineages of hagfishes. Bars indicate 95% highest posterior density intervals for divergence times at nodes. Outgroups not shown. Grey bars are at nodes supported by posterior values of 0.90 or more, clear bars are at nodes supported by posterior values of 0.89 or less. Gray columns indicate mass extinction events. Dagger (†) indicates extinct species known from the fossil record. Pie charts indicate ancestral state reconstructions of habitat for each node, where purple represents the probability of a slope component (either slope or shelf-slope) at each node and salmon indicates the probability of continental shelf habitat being ancestral. Inset includes the transition matrix from the polymorphic character ancestral reconstruction analysis (note that purple here is exclusively slope, as opposed to purple denoting slope/shelf-slope at nodes in the phylogeny). Photograph of Eptatretus stoutii is courtesy Douglas FudgeBrownstein & Near (2024).

The results of the study suggest that the three major Hagfish groups diverged from one-another during the Palaeozoic. This did not change when the Carboniferous Myxinikela siroka was included in the matrix, suggesting that the use of this taxon as a calibration point is valid. Brownstein and Near note that they excluded the Mazon Creek 'Hagfish' Gilpichthys greenei from the study, as the affinities of this abundant fossil are now considered highly doubtful. Other phylogenetic studies have included this species, recovering it as either a stem Hagfish, or a Jawless Fish of uncertain affinities. Brownstein and Near suggest that these fossils may be difficult to interpret phylogenetically as most had decayed somewhat before preservation.

The putative Hagfish Gilpichthys greenei from the Mazon Creek fossil beds. Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois.

Brownstein and Near consistently found that the crown Hagfish (a crown Hagfish is any species, living or fossil, which is descended from the last common ancestor of all living Hagfish) arose in the Early Permian, and the split between the Eptatretinae and Myxininae occurred in the Early Triassic. Both events are substantially older than previous studies have suggested, with the diversification of major Hagfish clades until now assumed to have happened in the Middle-to-Late Cretaceous. Brownstein and Near note that the use of mitochondrial DNA has been linked to the overestimation of the age of some groups of Ray-finned Fish, but cannot see how this would lead to the discrepancy between their study and earlier studies of Hagfish which also used mitochondrial DNA. Instead they suggest that the variance is due to the increased number of living species in their study, combined with a stricter approach to the inclusion of fossil species, with less certain species such as Gilpichthys greenei excluded. 

This revised timeline removes a 120 million year gap between the separation of the Hagfish and their closest relatives (the Lampreys), as well as showing that the group have survived three major extinction events, including the End Permian, which wiped out 81% of marine species. This makes the crown group Hagfish one of the oldest known Vertebrate crown groups, and far older than most other marine Vertebrate groups. 

The reconstruction of the Ancestral habits of the Hagfish suggests that the oldest members of the group occupied the continental slopes (more than 200 m beneath the surface) during the Late Palaeozoic. This is despite all known fossil Hagfish coming from coastal slope or estuarine environments. All the major Hagfish groups apparently first appeared on the continental slopes, or at least as organisms with flexible requirements able to inhabit both the continental slopes and shelves.

Hagfish and Lampreys have been the sole surviving jawless Vertebrates since the Triassic Extinction. This makes them important to our understanding of the earliest Vertebrates, although probably atypical of these. 

Brownstein and Near's study suggests that the crown group Hagfish emerged during the Permian, with the three major extant groups having appeared by the end of the Early Triassic, 20-30 million years after the oldest putative Hagfish fossils. It is likely that the stem group Hagfish appeared during a significant radiation event after the extinction of the jawless Ostracoderms at the end of the Devonian. 

Hagfish have a simple bodyplan, which has remained essentially unchanged for a very long time, notably so compared to other ancient Vertebrate groups such as the Teleosts, Chondrichthyans, and Lissamphibians. This highly specialised anatomy appears to have developed before the End of the Permian.

This deep diversification is different to the situation seen in Lampreys, where the extant groups all appear to have derived from a series of regional diversification events within the past 100 million years. Hagfish species appear to have diverged from their closest relatives an average of 31.6 million years ago, compared to 1-2 million years for most Lampreys. The most ancient division for a single species is that for Eptatretus cheni, which appears to have diverged from other members of the genus Eptatretus in the Jurassic. This is a similar timing for the division between the living Neoselachian Sharks and Rays, the Tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus, and the Squamates, or the Salamanderfish, Lepidogalaxias salamandroides, and all other Teleosts.

Eptatretus cheni, not notably different to other members of the genus Eptatretus, but separated from them since the Jurassic. Fish Database of Taiwan/FishBase.

Hagfish taxonomy is a challenging field, due to the conservative morphology of these organisms, and the inaccessible environments in which they live. The widespread genus Rubicundus is the only genus in the family Rubicundinae, and forms the sister group to all other Hagfish, but was not recognised as a distinct genus until 2013. Brownstein and Near's study implies that this genus split from its closest living relatives in the Permian. 

A Pink Hagfish, Rubicundus eos. The genus Rubicundus appears to have diverged from all other extant Hagfish in the Permian. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.

Brownstein and Near's study also highlights that deep marine habitats have been utilised by Hagfish since the origin of the group in the Permian. Lineages of Myxine and Eptatretus found in shallower continental shelf environments appear to have diversified into these shallower waters relatively recently, with fossil Hagfish from shallow marine environments probably the result of similar diversification events. This makes the Hagfish the Vertebrates the group with the longest history in deep marine environments, with a continuous habitation of these environments long predating the arrival of the ancestors of any extanct Chondrichthyan or Teleost found in the deep seas. 

This inhabiting of deep-sea environments may explain how the group has persisted so long with relatively little apparent evolutionary innovation. Although the group has not  occupied deep marine environments for as long, the oldest surviving Chondrichthyan lineages, such as the Goblin Sharks, Frilled and Sevengill Sharks, Chimeras, and Ratfish, all inhabit deep environments. Thus thee deep sea. environment appears to be a refugia for Vertebrate groups able to live there, offering a degree of protection against  extinction events which heavily impact the shallow seas.

Nevertheless, Hagfish appear to have undergone significant diversification within deep sea environments, with many distinct lineages arising over the time they have dwelt there.

Most Vertebrate groups found in the deep seas have colonised these environments within the last 100 million years. In contrast, many Invertebrate groups have long deep marine lineages. This has led to the view that the deep seas can act as a refugia for groups that can live there during mass extinction events that affect the shallow seas.  Until now, no Vertebrate group has been seen as truly endemic to this refugium, but Brownstein and Near's study suggests that the deep seas are the principle habitat for Hagfish, with modern and fossil shallow-water species being the result of repeated colonisations from deeper marine environments.

See also...

Sunday 16 June 2024

Three killed in collapse at gold mine in Niger State, Nigeria.

Three people have been killed in a collapse at a gold mine in the Paikoro Local Government Area of Niger State, Nigeria, on Thursday, 13 June 2024. The mine is understood to have been an illegal (or at least informal) pit dug by local villagers, which collapsed when the surrounding sediments became soft following the onset of the seasonal rains. Details of the deceased are not known, but informal mines in the area are predominantly worked by women and children.

An informal mine in the  Paikoro Local Government Area of Niger State, Nigeria, where a sediment collapse killed three people on Thursday 13 June 2024. AIT Live.

The incident comes a week after another mine collapse in Niger State, in which 20 people were trapped underground in a collapse at a larger pit mine run by African Minerals and Logistics Limited at Galadima Kogo in the Shiroro Local Government Area on Monday 3 June. Seven of the miners were subsequently rescued, but the rest are now feared to have perished. This collapse was also triggered by sediments being softened by rain.

Rescue workers at the scene of a mine collapse at Galadima Kogo in the Shiroro Local Government Area on Monday 3 June 2024. Ministry of Solid Minerals Development.

West Africa has a distinct two season climatic cycle, with a cool dry season during the northern winter when prevalent winds blow from the Sahara to the northeast, and a warm rainy season during the northern summer when prevalent winds blow from the Atlantic Ocean to the southwest. These warm winds from the Atlantic are laden with moisture, which can be lost rapidly when the air encounters cooler conditions, such as when it is pushed up to higher altitudes by the Jos Plateau of central Nigeria and Shebshi Mountains on the border with Cameroon.

Rainfall and prevalent winds during the West African dry and rainy seasons. Encyclopaedia Britanica.

Informal artisanal mining is common in many parts of Africa, including Nigeria, which like may other countries has granted concessions to mining companies in areas where small-scale artisanal mining has traditionally helped to supplement the incomes of subsistence farmers. However, little of the money from such projects tends to reach local communities, which often leads to ill feeling and attempts to continue mining clandestinely, often at night or under other unfavourable conditions, which can put the miners at greater risk.

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The Northern Solstice.

The Northern) Solstice falls on Thursday 20 June this year (2024), the day on which the Sun rises highest in the sky and the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere (where it is the Summer Solstice) and the day on which the Sun rises lowest in the sky and the shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere (where it is the Winter Solstice). Up until this date the days have been growing shorter in the Northern Hemisphere and longer in the Southern Hemisphere since the Southern Solstice in December last year (which is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere), but after it the situation will be reversed, with days growing steadily longer in the Northern Hemisphere and shorter in the Southern Hemisphere until the next Southern Solstice in December. 

The solstices are entirely a product of variation in the Earth's rotation on its axis, which is at an angle of 23.5° to the plain of the Earth's orbit about the Sun. This means that in December the Earth's Southern Pole is tilted towards the Sun, while the Northern Pole is tilted away from it. This means that around the Southern Solstice the Southern Hemisphere is receiving radiation from the Sun over a longer part of the than the Northern, and at a steeper angle (so that it to pass through less atmosphere to reach the planet), creating the southern summer and northern winter.

The tilt of the Earth at the Northern Solstice. Wikimedia Commons.

The solstices are fairly noticeable astronomical events, and tied to the seasons which govern the life cycles of life on Earth, and they have been celebrated under different names by cultures across the globe, but most notably by those at higher latitudes, who are more profoundly affected by the changes of the seasons.

See also...

Oroperipatus tiputini: A new species of Velvet Worm from the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Velvet Worms, Onychophora, are a unique group of elongate, soft bodied, many legged  Animals, given phylum status and considered to be among the closest living relatives to the Arthropods. They are currently the only known phylum of Animals known entirely from terrestrial species, both living and fossil, although they may be related to the Lobopodans, an entirely marine group known only from Early Palaeozoic fossils. 

The 230 living Velvet Worm species are divided into two groups, the Peripatidae, found in the tropics of Central and South America, the Antilles Islands, Gabon, India, and Southeast Asia, and the Peripatopsidae, found in Chile, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and New Zealand. All South American members of the Peripatidae are placed within a single clade, the Neopatida, which is further divided into two lineages, the 'Andean' genus Oroperipatus, and the 'Caribbean' lineage, comprising all other genera.

In a paper published in the journal Zoosystematics and Evolution on  14 June 2024, Jorge Montalvo-Salazar of  the Instituto de Biodiversidad Tropical at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, and the Laboratorio de Zoología Terrestre at the Quito Museo de ZoologíaLorena Bejarano and Alfredo Valarezo of the Instituto de Energía y Materiales at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, and Diego Cisneros-Heredia, also of the Instituto de Biodiversidad Tropical at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, and the Laboratorio de Zoología Terrestre at the Quito Museo de Zoología, and of the Estación de Biodiversidad Tiputini of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, and the Ecuadorian Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, describe a new species of Oroperipatus from the Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador.

The new species is described from five male, three female, and three juvenile specimens collected in the vacinity of the Tiputini Biodiversity Station of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Orellana Province, Ecuador, between 2001 and 2023, as  well as one youngling, which one of the female specimens gave birth to in captivity. The new species is named Oroperipatus tiputini, in reference to the location where it was discovered. 

Oroperipatus tiputini, adult female holotype (ZSFQ-i8248) and youngling paratype (ZSFQ-17794) a few days after being born. Pedro Peñaherrera in Montalvo-Salazar et al. (2024).

Adult female specimens of Oroperipatus tiputini very between 46 and 65.3 mm in length, while the adult males are smaller at 22.7 to 39.8 mm. Females have between 37 and 40 pairs of legs, while the males have between 34 and 37, although one male specimen had a different number of legs on each side, with 35 legs on the right and 36 legs on the left. The species shows considable colour variation, with one adult male being a light brown colour with a faint rhomboid pattern, two adult males and one adult female being brown with orange diamonds, and another female (the one which produced a youngling) being a plain dark orange colour. The youngling itself was yellowish with a diamond pattern. All specimens were darked on their heads and antenae,  had orange or brown legs, and a distinctive white band on the head.

Oroperipatus tiputini, adult male paratype, ZSFQ-i8270. Pedro Peñaherrera in Montalvo-Salazar et al. (2024).

Most specimens of Oroperipatus tiputini were found on small herbaceous Plants within old growth, closed canopy upland forests around the Tiputini Biodiversity Station. Other specimens were found in leaf litter, or on the butress roots of trees to a height of about 70 cm above the ground. One specimen was found in a Bromiliad. The Worms were more active at night. 

Oroperipatus tiputini, adult male paratype, ZSFQ-i5151. Diego Cisneros-Heredia in Montalvo-Salazar et al. (2024).

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