Tuesday 17 September 2024

Partial Lunar Eclipse on 18 September 2024.

A partial Lunar Eclipse will occur on Wednesday 18 September 2024, starting at 0.41 am GMT. The whole eclipse will be visible across all of South America and the Atlantic, and most of North America, Europe, Africa, and parts of the Middle East, while part of the eclipse will be visible from the northwest of North America, the Horn of Africa, European Russia, the remainder of the Middle East, and parts of western Asia and the Indian Ocean. although in these areas the Moon will either rise part way through the eclipse, or set before it is complete.

Areas from which the 28 October 2023 Lunar Eclipse will be visible. Dominic Ford/In the Sky.

The Moon produces no light of its own, but 'shines' with reflected light from the Sun. Thus, at Full Moon the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth to the Sun, and its illuminated side is turned towards us, but at New Moon the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, so that its illuminated side is turned away from us.

Lunar eclipses occur when the Moon passes through the Earth's shadow. This can only happen at Full Moon (unlike Solar Eclipses, which happen only when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sum, and therefore only occur at New Moon), but does not happen every Lunar Month as the Sun, Moon and Earth are not in a perfect, unwavering line, but rather both the Earth and the Moon wobble slightly as they orbit their parent bodies, rising above and sinking bellow the plane of the ecliptic (the plane upon which they would all be in line every month).

Because the Moon is passing through a shadow, rather than being blocked from our view, it does not completely disappear during an eclipse like the Sun, but in a total Lunar Eclipse goes through two distinct phases of dimming, the Penumbra, when it is still partially illuminated by the Sun, and the Umbra, when the Earth completely blocks direct sunlight from the Moon. This does not result in complete darkness, as the Moon is still partially lit by reflected Earthlight, but it does turn a deep, dark red colour.  In a partial eclipse the Earth passes completely through the Moon's penumbra, but only partly through its umbra.  

Phases of the 18 September 2024. NASA Eclipse Website.

See also...

Monday 16 September 2024

Jiucaiyuangnathus confusus: A new species of Baurioid Therocephalian from the Eartly Triassic of Xinjiang Province, China.

The Bogda Mountains of northeastern Xinjiang Province, China, preserve a Permian-Triassic sequence which has produced a broad range of terrestrial Vertebrates, including non-Mammalian Therapsids such as Dicynodonts, Gorgonopsians, and Therocephalians. Two Therocephalians have been described from this sequence to date, Urumchia lii from the Early Triassic Jiucaiyuan Formation, and Dalongkoua fuae from the Late Permian Guodikeng Formation, although several other species are known from elsewhere in North China, including Shiguignathus wangiJiufengia jiaiEuchambersia liuyudongi, and Caodeyao liuyufengi from the Late Permian Naobaogou Formation of Inner Mongolia, Moschowhaitsia lidaqingi from the Late Permian Wufoshi Formation of Gansu Province, Hazhenia concava from the Early Triassic Heshanggou Formation of Inner Mongolia, Ordosiodon lincheyuensisOrdosiodon youngi and Nothogomphodon sanjiaoensis from the Early Triassic Ermaying Formation of Shanxi Province, Yikezhaogia megafenestrala. from the Early Triassic Ermaying Formation of Inner Mongolia, and Traversodontoides wangwuensis from the Middle Tirassic Ermaying Formation of Henan Province.

In a paper published in the journal Vertebrata PalAsiatica on 20 July 2024, Lui Jun of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the College of Earth and Planetary Sciences of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Fernando Abdala of the Área de Paleontología at Unidad Ejecutora Lillo and the Evolutionary Studies Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand, describe a new species of Baurioid Therocephalian from the Early Triassic Jiucaiyuan Formation of Jimsar County in Xinjiang Province, China.

The new species is described from a slab on which a partial snout and several postcranial skeletal elements were visible on the surface. When X-ray microcomputed tomography was applied to this slab it was discovered that two largely disarticulated partial skeletons were present within. The partial skeleton is designated as the holotype of the new species (in taxonomy, a specimen is named as the holotype when an new species is discovered, and any other specimens are deemed to belong to that specie species if the can be shown to belong to the same species as the holotype), which is given the name Jiucaiyuangnathus confusus, where 'Jiucaiyuangnathus' means 'Jiucaiyuan-jaw', in reference to the Jiucaiyuan Formation, and 'confusus' means 'confusing' in reference to the difficulty had deciphering the specimens. It is thought that the snout is derived from one of the post-cranial skeletons, but it is impossible to tell which.

Jiucaiyuangnathus confusus (IVPP V32945, holotype) from Jimsar, Xinjiang. (A)–(C) photo (A) and 3D rendering (B) of the left side of the snout in lateral and 3D rendering of the medial view of the left side of the snout (C); (D). 3D rendering of the snout in posterior view showing the bones as preserved. Abbreviations: afo. anteriormost foramen; cc. christa choanalis; F. frontal; L. lacrimal; l.c. lacrimal canal; M. maxilla; m. maxillary tooth; m.a. maxillary antrum; msf. maxillo-septomaxillary foramen; pdl. dorsal layer of palatine; pit. maxillary round pit; PL. palatine; PM. premaxilla; pml. medial layer of palatine; sH, sinus Highmore; SM. septomaxilla; V. vomer. Lui & Abdala (2024).

The preserved portion of the jaws has five surviving incisors and lacks canines. There is a diastema (gap) between the last incisor in the upper jaw and the first maxillary tooth, but no equivalent gap is present in the dentition of the lower jaw, traits consistent with Jiucaiyuangnathus confusus being a Baurioid Therocephalian.

3D rendering of Jiucaiyuangnathus confusus (IVPP V32945, holotype) from Jimsar, Xinjiang . (A) The preserved snout in ventral view; (B), (C) vomer in dorsal (B) and ventral (C) views, vomer is reconstructed in the natural position in (C); (D) left dentary in lateral view; (E), (F) mandibles in dorsal (E) and ventral (F) views. Abbreviations: 1st ic. first incisor; ch. choana; D. dentary; d. dentary tooth; F. frontal; for vn. place for vomeronasal organ; M. maxilla; N. nasal; PL. palatine; PM. premaxilla; SP. splenial; V. vomer; v.f. vomerine foramen. Lui & Abdala (2024).

The two partial skeletons are given the designations IVPP V32946-1 (which is marginally the smaller of the two) and IVPP V32946-2 (which is marginally the larger). While both are largely disarticulated, most of the bones are close to their original positions, making it possible to assign them to one of the two skeletons wirh confidence. In both skeletons, the neural arches are separate from the centra of the vertebrae, making it likely that they were juveniles at the time of death.

Posterior skeletons of Jiucaiyuangnathus confusus (IVPP V32946) from Jimsar, Xinjiang  (A), (B) photo of the slab; (C), (D) 3D rendering of bones. Gray (IVPP V32946-1) and light purple (IVPP V32946-2) are bones of each specimen. Light blue uncertain. Lui & Abdala (2024).

Specimen IVPP V32946-1 has ten presacral vertebrae preserved, the the atlas and axis, five thoracics, and three lumbars, as well as three sacral vertebrae and a series of at least 11 caudal vertebrae, five of them being rod-like. There are three short, curved cervical vertebrae, and five incomplete ribs on the left side and seven nearly complete ribs on the right side of the thoracic vertebrae. An almost complete pelvic girdle lacks only the left ischium. A right femur, lacking a proximal end and with an incomplete distal end, probably belongs to this skeleton.

3D rendering of Jiucaiyuangnathus confusus  (IVPP V32946-1) from Jimsar, Xinjiang.  (A), (B) The preserved skeleton in dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views; (C) right femur in distal view; (D)–(F) atlas and axis in anterior (D), left (E), and right (F) lateral views; (G) four thoracic vertebrae in right lateral view; (H), (I) sacral region in lateral (H) and dorsal (I) views; (J) caudal vertebrae Abbreviations: aic. atlas intercentrum; cdr. caudal rib; cdv. caudal vertebra; cr. cervical rib; FE. femur; lv. lumbar vertebra; ns. neural spine; sr. sacral rib; sv. sacral vertebra; tp. transverse process; tr. thoracic rib; tv. thoracic vertebra. Lui & Abdala (2024).

Specimen IVPP V32946-2 has ten continuous vertebrae, interpreted as thoracics, as well as 13 complete long left thoracic ribs and the proximal side of eight right thoracic ribs. The head of the first sacral rib is considerably expanded dorsoventrally with a short, stout shaft curving ventrally and a very expanded distal end to contact the ilium. This specimen has a nearly complete left scapula and the dorsal portion of the right scapula, as well as a separated procoracoid, which lies close to the ventral side of the scapula. An incomplete interclavicle appears as a broad flat bone that gently curves ventrally, and the sternum is preserved as a large, thin, longer than wide flat plate. Again, the pelvic girdle is almost complete, in this case lacking the left pubis. The proximal parts of both femurs are preserved, with the right being more complete.

3D rendering of Jiucaiyuangnathus confusus (IVPP V32946-2) from Jimsar, Xinjiang. (A), (B) Skeleton in dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views; (C) part of thoracic vertebrae in left lateral view; (D) two sacral and three anterior caudal ribs; (E)–(H) sacral ribs of (D) in dorsal (E), (G) and ventral (F), (H) views; (I)–(L) two smaller sacral ribs in dorsal (I), (K) and ventral (J), (L) views Abbreviations: cdr. caudal rib; mt. metatarsal; sr. sacral rib. Liu & Abdala (2024).

Neither of the skeletons has neural arches fused to the centra, suggesting that they were both juveniles when they died, but the neural arches of the smaller skeleton are more distant from the centra than in the larger, possibly suggesting that it was younger and less developed. There are also differing degrees of ossification in the bones of the pelvic girdle of the two skeletons, which again suggest different levels of development. 

See also...

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Asteroid 2024 RL8 passes the Earth.

Asteroid 2024 RL8 passed by the Earth at a distance of about 329 350 km (1.12 times the average distance between the Earth and the Moon, or 0.29% of the distance between the Earth and the Sun), with a relative velocity of about 13.33 km per second, slightly before 10.40 pm GMT on Wednesday 11 September 2024. There was no danger of the asteroid hitting us, though were it to do so it would not have presented a significant threat. 2024 RL8 has an estimated equivalent diameter of 6-19 m (i.e. it is estimated that a spherical object with the same volume would be 6-19 m in diameter), and an object of this size would be expected to explode in an airburst (an explosion caused by superheating from friction with the Earth's atmosphere, which is greater than that caused by simply falling, due to the orbital momentum of the asteroid) between 40 and 22 km above the ground, with only fragmentary material reaching the Earth's surface.

300 second image of 2024 RL8 taken with the Elena Planetwave 17" Telescope at Ceccano in Italy on 9 September 2024. The asteroid is the small point at the centre of the image, indicated by the white arrow, the longer lines are stars, their elongation being caused by the telescope tracking the asteroid over the length of the exposure. At the time when the image was taken, the asteroid was about 2.5 million km from the Earth. Gianluca Masi/Virtual Telescope Project.

2024 RL8 was first detected on 7 September 2024 (four days before its closest approach to the Earth), by the University of Hawaii's PANSTARRS2 telescope. The designation 2025 RL8 implies that it was the 211th asteroid (asteroid L8 - in numbering asteroids the letters A-Z, excluding I, are assigned numbers from 1 to 25, with a number added to the end each time the alphabet is ended, so that A = 1, A1 = 25, A2 = 49, etc., which means that L8 = (25 x 8) + 11 = 211) discovered in the first half of September 2024 (period 2024 R; the year being split into 24 half-months represented by the letters A-Y, with I being excluded).

The relative positions of 2024 RL8 and the Earth on at 11.00 pm on Wednesday 11 September 2024. JPL Small Body Database.

2024 RL8 is calculated to have a 480 day (1.31 year) orbital period, with an elliptical orbit tilted at an angle of 12.01° to the plain of the Solar System which takes in to 0.71 AU from the Sun (71% of the average distance at which the Earth orbits the Sun, and slightly inside the orbit of Venus) and out to 1.69 AU (1.69 times the distance at which the Earth orbits the Sun, more than the distance at which the planet Mars orbits). 

The positions and orbits of 2024 RL8 and the planets of the Inner Solar System at 11.00 pm on Wednesday 11 September 2024. JPL Small Body Database.

2024 RL8 is therefore classed as an Apollo Group Asteroid, which is an asteroid that is on average further from the Sun than the Earth, but which does get closer. 2024 RL8 is calculated to have fairly regular close encounters with the Earth, with the last thought to have happened in September 2020 and the next predicted for August 2028. The asteroid is also predicted to have regular close encounters with the planet Venus, with the last thought to have happened in June 2019 and the next predicted for June 2027.

See also...

Sunday 8 September 2024

Passage of Typhoon Yagi kills at least 39 people across the Philippines, South China, and Vietnam.

Typhoon Yagi is now known to have killed at least 39 people as it swept across the  Philippines, South China, and Vietnam between 2 and 7 September 2024. The storm was initially detected as a low pressure system to the northwest of Palau by the Japan Meteorological Agency on 30 August 2024. By 1 September it has moved to the northeast, gaining in strength to become a tropical depression as it entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility (an area of the northwest Pacific monitored by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration. The system was identified as Tropical Depression 12W by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, and named Enteng by red by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, then as it intensified to become a tropical storm, formally named Tropical Storm Yagi by the Japan Meteorological Agency.

Typhoon Yagi made landfall in Aurora Province on Luzon Island, the Philippines, at about 2.00 pm local time on Monday 2 September, taking fifteen hours to move across the island before emerging over the South China Sea at about 3.00 am on Tuesday 3 September. During this time the storm lost considerable energy, particularly as it passed over the Cordillera Central mountain range, but still causing significant disruption. The storm raised the waters of the Marikana River, which flows through eastern Manila, to rise by 16 m, leading to flooding in the Metro Manila area, as well as in the provinces of Bulacan, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Cavite, Laguna, Northern Samar, Pangasinan, and Rizal. A number of ships were driven aground in Manila Bay, with two colliding and catching fire. Twenty people are currently known to have died as a result of the storm on Luzon, nine of them in Rizal Province, with at least more 26 missing and at least eighteen injured. Around 28 000 people in Metro Manila, Calabarzon, and Bulacan, lost their electricity supplies during the storm, schools were closed for two days, and most flights to and from Luzon Island cancelled. About 80 000 people were evacuated from low-lying areas, with 459 homes destroyed and another 6128 damaged. Several dams had to be opened to prevent them being damaged by high waters, adding to the flooding in areas beneath them.

Flooding in Rizal Province, the Philippines, on 2 September 2024. AP

After passing over Luzon Tropical Storm passed across the South China Sea, merging with a smaller depression and gaining significantly in strength as it moved west towards China. By 5 September the storm had gained suficient energy that the Japan Meteorological Agency upgraded it to a Super Typhoon, which is to say a typhoon with windspeeds of 240 km per hour or above, the equivalent to a Category 4 or 5 storm on the Saffir–Simpson scale.

In preparation for this 420 000 people were evacuated from low-lying areas on Hainan Island, and 500 000 from low-lying areas in Guangdong Province, with widespread cancelation of flights, non-essential travel, and coastal activities in both provinces as well as Hong Kong.

Typhoon Yagi made landfall near the city of Wenchang on Hainan at about 4.20 pm local time on Friday 6 September, bringing with it sustained windspeeds of 195 km per hour, making it the strongest storm to hit the island since Typhoon Ramassun in 2014. It passed across the island making, and over the provincial capital, Haikou, before briefly making landfall in Xuwen County, Guangdong Province, then passing out over the Gulf of Tonkin. Four people are reported to have lost their lives on Hainan Island, with another 95 injured, and 1.2 million people losing electricity supplies. Aa further nine people were injured in Hong Kong.

Heavy rainfall and fallen trees in Wenchang City on 6 September 2024. Luo Yunfei/China News Service/VCG/Getty Images.

Typhoon Yaagi gained in strength again as it passed over the Gulf of Tonkin, reaching Vietnam as a Category 4 Typhoon (i.e. a storm with sustained winds in excess of 209 km per hour), making it one of the strongest storms ever to hit northern Vietnam. In preparation for the storm schools were closed and fishing and outdoor gatherings advised against, as well as most flights, ferry services, and sporting events cancelled. The storm made landfall over the city of Haiphong, binging high winds and extensive flooding to the Red River Valley. fifteen people are known to have died in Vietnam, including four people hit by flying debris, another four, described as a family, by a landslide in Hoa Binh, and another man in Hai Dong hit by a falling tree.

High winds caused by Typhoon Yagi on the shore of Phuong Luu Lake in Haiphong. Nhac Nguyen/AFP.

Tropical storms are caused by the warming effect of the Sun over tropical seas. As the air warms it expands, causing a drop in air pressure, and rises, causing air from outside the area to rush in to replace it. If this happens over a sufficiently wide area, then the inrushing winds will be affected by centrifugal forces caused by the Earth's rotation (the Coriolis effect). This means that winds will be deflected clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the southern hemisphere, eventually creating a large, rotating Tropical Storm. They have different names in different parts of the world, with those in the northwest Pacific being referred to as typhoons.

The structure of a tropical cyclone. Wikimedia Commons.

Despite the obvious danger of winds of this speed, which can physically blow people, and other large objects, away as well as damaging buildings and uprooting trees, the real danger from these storms comes from the flooding they bring. Each drop millibar drop in air-pressure leads to an approximate 1 cm rise in sea level, with big tropical storms capable of causing a storm surge of several meters. This is always accompanied by heavy rainfall, since warm air over the ocean leads to evaporation of sea water, which is then carried with the storm. These combined often lead to catastrophic flooding in areas hit by tropical storms. 

The formation and impact of a storm surge. eSchoolToday.

See also...

Saturday 7 September 2024

Asteroid 2024 RW1 impacts the Earth.

On the morning of Wednesday 4 September 2024, planetary scientist Jacqueline Fazekas working at the University of Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey detected a fast moving object, which she interpreted as a potential Near Earth Asteroid. She reported this to the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center, where it was given the provisional designation CAQTDL2. This initial discovery was followed by a series of further sightings from other observatories, confirming that the object was an asteroid, which was then named 2024 RW1, and that it was on a collision course with the Earth.

Discovery images of Asteroid 2024, within purple circles. Catalina Sky Survey.

The designation 2024 RW1 implies that the asteroid was the 47th asteroid  (asteroid W1 - in numbering asteroids the letters A-Z, excluding I, are assigned numbers from 1 to 25, with a number added to the end each time the alphabet is ended, so that A = 1, A1 = 26, A2 = 51, etc., which means that W1 = (25 x 1) + 22 = 47) discovered in the first half of September 2024 (period 2024 R - the year being split into 24 half-months represented by the letters A-Y, with I being excluded).

Asteroid 2024 RW1 is calculated to have had a 1450 day (3.97 year) orbital period, with an elliptical orbit tilted at an angle of 0.53° to the plain of the Solar System which took in to 0.74 AU from the Sun (74% of the distance at which the Earth orbits the Sun) and out to 4.23 AU (4.23 times the distance at which the Earth orbits the Sun, and almost three times the distance at which the planet Mars orbits). It is therefore classed as having been an Apollo Group Asteroid (an asteroid that is on average further from the Sun than the Earth, but which does get closer). 

The calculated orbit of asteroid 2024 RW1. JPL Small Body Database.

Asteroid 2024 BX1 is calculated to have had four close encounters with the Earth before finally impacting, with the first in August 1912, and the most recent in October 2020. It has also had close encounters with Venus in June 1966 and January 2009, and Jupiter in November 2006 and September 2018. Asteroids which make close passes to multiple planets are considered to be in unstable orbits, and are often eventually knocked out of these orbits by these encounters, either being knocked onto a new, more stable orbit, dropped into the Sun, knocked out of the Solar System or occasionally colliding with a planet.

By 11.00 am GMT on 4 September 2024, the European Space Agency had calculated that Asteroid 2024 RW1 would impact the Earth, entering the atmosphere at about 5.08 pm over or close to northern Luzon Island, the Philippines. In the event the asteroid entered the atmosphere at 4.46 pm GMT (0.46 am on 5 September, Philippines time) over the Pacific Ocean to the east of Luzon, producing a bright fireball meteor, with a distinct green colour, which probably indicates that it had a high magnesium content. 

A bright fireball meteor observed from Tuguegarao City in the Philippines on 5 September 2024, thought to have been caused by the impact of Asteroid 2024 RW1. Marvin Coloma/American Meteor Society.

Objects of this size probably enter the Earth's atmosphere several times a year, though unless they do so over populated areas they are unlikely to be noticed. They are officially described as fireballs if they produce a light brighter than the planet Venus. It is possible on this occasion the object is known to have produced meteorites that reached the surface (an object visible in the sky is a meteor, a rock that falls from the sky and can be physically held and examined is a meteorite).

Based upon observations in space and on entry to the Earth's atmosphere, 2024 RW1 is calculated to have been about a metre in diameter, and to have had a high magnesium content, something which in turn implies a stony meteorite rich in the mineral olivine (counter to possible expectations, metallic meteorites seldom contain much magnesium). However, as it fell to Earth over the Pacific Ocean, it is unlikely that any fragments of the asteroid will be recovered to test this hypothesis. 2024 RW1 is the eighth asteroid ever to have been discovered before impacting the Earth.

See also...