Friday 18 September 2020

Cheshire man requires hospital treatment after being bitten by Pike.

A man from Cheshire, England, has had to receive hospital treatment after being bitten by a Pike, Esox lucius, on Monday 7 September 2020. Steve Lightfoot, 55, who lives on a boat on the Macclesfield Canal, near Bosley, was attempting to retrieve his glasses, which he had dropped into the water, when he was attacked by the metre-long Fish, which delivered a lacerating bit to his hand. Mr Lightfoot had his hand bandaged and was treated with antibiotics and a tetanus inoculation, before being released.

A Northern Pike, Esox lucius, at Plzeƈ Zoo. Wikimedia Commons.

The Northern Pike, Esox lucius, is found in temperate fresh and brackish waters throughout the Northern Hemisphere, and is the largest freshwater Fish in the UK. Although not large enough to consume Humans, they are ambush predators that hang in the water column waiting for likely prey, and will occasionally strike at Humans splashing about in their environment. 

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