Eight people have been confirmed dead following flooding in Houston, Texas this week, with around a thousand homes flooded and 70 000 more left without electricity. Houston has suffered a series of flooding events in the last year, but this weeks rains have been considered exceptional, with 44.7 cm of rain falling on the city on Monday 18 April 2016, and floodwaters in places twelve meters higher than the previous highest levels recorded.
Rescue workers helping evacuees in Houston, Texas, this week. David Philips/AP.
Rainfall in Texas is driven principally by evaporation of water from the Caribbean, an area which has been suffering exceptionally high temperatures this year. However the flooding has also been linked to rapid urban expansion in the Houston area, which is built on an area of historic coastal wetlands. Samuel Brody of the Center for Texas Beaches and Shores at Texas A&M University at Galveston has calculated that the area of soil covered by paving in Houston has expanded by 25% in the last 15 years, preventing rainwater from draining into the soil and raising the dangers of flooding in the city.
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