A 54-year-old Chinese expatriate has died in an accident at the Jifumpa Mine in the Kasempa District in North-Western Province, Zambia, early on Tuesday 30 August 2016. Another three people were injured in the accident, in which part of the roof of a tunnel collapsed during construction work, and are being treated at the Mukinge Mission Hospital. Work at the mine has ceased while the Zambian Mines Safety Department carry out an assessment of safety at the Hong Kong-owned mine.
Zambia is noted for its extensive copper deposits, largely in Copperbelt Province to the east of Kasempa. Like other copper deposits those in Zambia frequently produce other metals; in the case of the deposits at Jifumpa significant quantities of cobalt are also present. A licence to mine for copper and cobalt at Jifumpa was acquired by the Hong Kong-owned Ruida Investments Limited in May 2015, however this is the second accident at the mine in three months, causing concern to local authorities.
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The location of Kasempa District in Zambia. Wikimedia Commons.
Zambia is noted for its extensive copper deposits, largely in Copperbelt Province to the east of Kasempa. Like other copper deposits those in Zambia frequently produce other metals; in the case of the deposits at Jifumpa significant quantities of cobalt are also present. A licence to mine for copper and cobalt at Jifumpa was acquired by the Hong Kong-owned Ruida Investments Limited in May 2015, however this is the second accident at the mine in three months, causing concern to local authorities.
The location of the Jifumpa Mine (labled as 'Project Area) within Kasampa District. MVC Consulting Engineers (2015).
See also...

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