A giant sinkhole opened up in the garden of a Cornish pensioner on Saturday 31 October 2015. The whole appeared in the garden of Kathleen Angel (93) of the Carbis Bay area of St Ives, is thought to be about 30 m deep.
The 31 October 2015 St Ives sinkhole. Western Morning News.
are generally caused by water eroding soft limestone or unconsolidated
deposits from beneath, causing a hole that works its way upwards and
eventually opening spectacularly at the surface. Where there are
unconsolidated deposits at the surface they can infill from the sides,
apparently swallowing objects at the surface, including people, without
On this occasion the sinkhole opened up after a work team on a nearby construction site broke a water main, triggering a flood that affected several nearby homes. This apparently caused the top of a disused mine shaft hidden beneath the garden to cave in, exposing the shaft beneath. St Ives, like many areas of Cornwall has had a mining industry for hundreds of years, principally producing tin and copper, but also lead, zinc, silver, uranium, arsenic, Cassiterite, Chalcopyrite, Malachite, Azurite and Pitchblende, and many disused shafts are known to lie beneath the town, with occasional incidents in which shafts are opened up unexpectedly by natural events.
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