Saturday 4 March 2017

Glasgow pub evacauted after chemical spill at nearby nail bar.

A pub in the Finnieston area of Glasgow was briefly evacuated after a chemical spill at a nearby nail bar on Friday 3 March 2017. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service was called to Lebowskis Bar and Restaurant in Argyle Street slightly after 11.30 am, after a strong chemical smell was noticed. This was later identified as being acetone spilled in a nearby nail bar, and the business was able to reopen once the spill had been contained.

Fire crews attend Lebowskis in Argyle Street, Glasgow, following a chemical spill on 3 March 2017. STV.

Acetone (or propanone, (CH3)2CO) is a widely used organic solvent, that is found in, amongst other things, nail polish remover. It is naturally present in the Human body, and not considered harmful at low levels, though at higher levels it can be more problematic; it is a component of Bee stings, can cause irritation by dissolving subcutaneous fat, and small children and pregnant women are recommended to avoid it. It is however considered a fire hazard, being a flammable liquid that produces abundant fumes (also flammable), and it produces a strong smell that can be alarming to people unfamiliar with it.

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