A young surfer, variously described as 12 or 13, has been injured in a Shark attack off Port Macquarie Beach in New South Wales, Australia, at about 6.00 am local time on Monday 2 November 2020. Despite receiving bite-injuries to his foot, leg, and hand, the victim is described as being in good spirits. He is being treated at Macquarie Base Hospital, where he is described as being in a stable condition. The beach has been closed off temporarily.
Although they have a fearsome reputation, attacks by Sharks are relatively rare. Most attacks on Humans by Sharks are thought to be mistakes, made by species that feed principally on Marine Mammals (which we superficially resemble when we enter the water), gaining the majority of their nutrition from the thick adipose (fat) layers of these animals (which we lack). Due to this, when Sharks do attack Humans these attacks are often broken off without the victim being consumed. Such attacks frequently result in severe injuries, but are seldom immediately fatal, with victims likely to survive if they receive immediate medical attention.
Despite this general rarity, Australia appears to be suffering a sharp rise in Shark attacks, with nine fatal attacks so far this year, the most recent of which occurred near Esperance in Western Australia on Friday 9 October.
Marine biologist Julian Pepperell has suggested that this increase might be linked to a rise in the number of Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, passing through Australian waters each year. Humpback Whales are a significant food source for many Sharks; adult Whales are beyond their hunting capacity, but do die of other causes and are enthusiastically scavenged, while larger Sharks such as Great Wights will attack Whale calves. Around 35 000 Humpback Whales currently migrate through Australian Waters each year, according to zoologist Vanessa Pirotta of Macquarie University, a number which is growing by about 11% each year.
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