Sunday 26 May 2013

Seven people killed by Landslide in Shaanxi Province, China.

Seven people including three children were reportedly killed when a landslide hit a two-story dormitory belonging to a mining company in Cangcun, Shaanxi Province, at about 10.00 am local time (2.00 am GMT) on Saturday 25 May 2013. A further 12 people recieved hosprital treatment after being injured in the incident, though none of these is considered to be seriously hurt; local authorities are satisfied everyone in the building has been accounted for and rescue work was halted at 7.00 pm local time.

Rescue workers at the site of the Cangcun dormitory destroyed by the 25 May landslide. Xinhua.

The event has been linked to exceptional weather experienced in the region, which has recorded the highest rainfall in 13 years, leading to a series of floods and landslides. It is unclear if the hillside that gave way is affected by mining activity.

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