Slightly after 1.15 pm local time (slightly after 6.15 am GMT) on Sunday 26 February 2012, the Tuva Republic in southwest Siberia was hit by an Earthquake measured by the United States Geological Survey as measuring 6.7 on the Richter Scale, and occurring at a depth of 11.7 km. The quake was centered between the villages of Karaus and Kara Khem, but was felt across much of Siberia and neighboring Mongolia. There are no reports of any serious damage or casualties, but they would not be surprising for an Earthquake of this size, even in a remote region. The quake did apparently cause a localized blackout.

The location of the Tuva quake. United States Geological Survey.
Earthquakes in Central Asia are generally attributed to the movement of India, which is pushing into Eurasia from the south, causing the folding and uplift that creates the mountains of the Himalayas, the Tibetan Plateaux, and Siberia.

The Sayan Mountains of the Tuva Republic, a result of uplift caused by the impact of India into Eurasia.
See also Major Earthquake in southwestern Siberia, Himilayan Earthquake, Earthquake in Mojen, northern Iran, Magnitude 5.1 Earthquake in Western Tibet/Xizang and Earthquakes on Sciency Thoughts YouTube.