The term Later Stone Age is used in South Africa to describe
Holocene stone tool making cultures dating from about 10 000 years ago until
the historical era. From the 1990s onwards efforts have been made to understand
the lifestyle of Later Stone Age hunter-gatherers living in fynbos and
temperate rainforest conditions by studying the morphology of long-bones (arm
and leg bones) from archaeological sites. These bones are highly prone to
modification during an individual’s lifetime, as they serve as supports and
anchors for the limb muscles used in physical activity, and the body is capable
of modifying the bone structure to provide support for repeated activity.
These studies have suggested that both male members of both
populations had strong lower limbs, suggesting that they led very mobile lives
- it was notable that the fynbos individuals were as robust in their lower limb
strength despite the forest individuals living in much more hilly terrain.
However lower limb bones were more developed in forest females than fynbos
females, suggesting that terrain did play a role; both sexes had well developed
lower limbs in forest populations, whereas the fynbos population was sexually
dimorphic (i.e. the sexes were different), with males more robust than females.
The upper limbs were more developed in males in both populations,
suggesting more physical activity was being undertaken by the males than the
females. The males also showed asymmetry of the upper limb-bone development,
this being slight in the fynbos males but quite pronounced in the forest males.
It has been suggested that this asymmetry may reflect the different hunting
methods of the two groups, with the forest hunters favouring spears (thrown
with one hand) while those living on the fynbos preferred light bows (where
both hands are used to hold the bow and draw the string). This has been
supported by studying the limbs of modern athletes, tool assemblages from the
two regions, and records of living San hunters living in the two areas.
The results of these studies have subsequently been used as a base
to compare to other small-bodied Holocene hunter-gatherer populations in the
Andaman Islands, Tierra Del Fuego and Australia. These studies found that the
Andaman Islanders and Yahgan foragers of Tierra Del Fuego showed considerably
higher upper limb-bone development that either South African population,
consistent with a more aquatic lifestyle that involved frequent swimming and
canoeing, while the Australian Aboriginal skeletons showed less development in
both upper and lower limbs, which has been suggested to be indicative of a
lifestyle involving considerably more foraging, at the expense of other
In a paper published in the South African Journal of Science on 22
September 2014, Michelle Cameron of the Department of Archaeology andAnthropology at the University of Cambridge and the Department of Anthropology
at the University of Toronto and Susan Pfeiffer of the Department of
Anthropology at the University of Toronto and the Department of Archaeology at
the University of Cape Town describe the results of a study of the limb bones
of a new group, Later Stone Age herders from the Orange River Valley of South
Map of southern Africa with forest, fynbos and lower
Orange River Valley regions approximated. The fynbosregion is indicated by the
solid outline, the forest region by the small dotted outline and the lower
Orange River Valley by the dashed outline. Black lines indicate approximate
latitude markers and the star indicates the approximate location of
Koffiefontein. Cameron & Pfeiffer (2014).
The bones used in the study came from burials at Koffiefontein and
Augrabies Falls, both are thought to date from around the beginning of the
historical period in South Africa, with the Koffiefontein burial dated to about
390 years ago (i.e. about 1620). The bones are thought to have come from small
bodied herder-foragers, belonging to the same San ethnic group as the coastal
population, and also reliant on stone-aged technologies, though this population
is thought to have had contact with other ethnic groups using different
technologies, and is likely to have had some degree of genetic and
technological exchange. The Orange River Valley has a seasonally arid climate,
with vegetation intermediate between the Sweet Grassveld and Karoo types.
The inland hunter-foragers were found to have higher upper limb
strength than the coastal populations. This is contrary to predictions, since
it was presumed that herding would reduce the need for intense upper limb
activity compared to hunting. This increased strength was seen in both male and
female herders (whereas in the other populations the males had higher upper
limb strengths), and Cameron and Pfeiffer suggest that this may be linked to
increased effort going into foraging in a semi-arid environment where there was
competition with other groups (such as farmers who supplemented their
livelihoods by some foraging).
Both sexes showed some upper limb asymmetry in the Orange River
population. This was less than seen in males from the forest population, but
greater than seen in males from the fynbos population. The cause of this is
unclear, but it is thought to be unrelated to hunting, suggesting that foraging
activity can play a greater role in the development of upper limb-bone
asymmetry than previously thought.
The Orange River Valley population showed a similar level of lower
sexual dimorphism to the fynbos population, with well developed, robust lower limbs
in the males but not the females. This suggests a similar division of
mobility-related labour between the two populations, but does not give any
insight as to what it was. It was previously assumed that the fynbos males were
travelling further afield than the females in pursuit of game, but this is less
likely to have been the case amoung pastoralist herders, where the entire
community is assumed to have moved with the herds.
See also…
One of the most important breakthroughs in palaeoanthropology in the
twentieth century was the discovery of the fossil known as the Taung
Child, the first known specimen of Australopithecus, by Raymond Dart of
the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa in 1924. This discovery refocused efforts to find human
ancestors on the African continent, where many...
One of the traits that is used to determine that fossil primates are
part of the Human lineage, rather than that which leads to Chimpanzees
and Bonobos (our closest relatives) is the structure of the ankle.
Because of this palaeoanthropologists have tended to assume that the
abandonment of an arboreal lifestyle for a life on the open plains of
Africa was the defining ecological change that led our ancestors to
diverge from those of the Chimps and Bonobos, and that hominids with

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