Saturday 17 October 2015

Eruptions on Mount Colima.

Mount Colima, a stratovolcano (cone shaped volcano made up of layers of ash and lava) in southern Mexico which gives its name to both the state of Colima and the Colima Volcanic Complex, underwent two spectacular eruptions on Thursday 15 October, at 9.46 and 11.00 am local time, producing ash columns in excess of 2 km in height which drifted to the south. Colima is one of Mexico's most active volcanos, having erupted more than 40 times since records began in the area in 1576. It has been erupting more-or-less continuously since 2001, with the current bout of eruptions having began in July this year.

Eruption on Colima on 15 October 2015. Webcams de Mexico.

The volcanoes of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (including Volcán de Colima) are fueled by the subduction of the Cocos Plate beneath the North American Plate along the Middle American Trench to the south of Mexico. As the subducting plate sinks into the Earth it is melted by the heat and pressure, and volatile minerals liquify and rise through the overlying North American Plate as magma, fueling Mexico's volcanoes.

The location of Volcán de Colima. Google Maps.

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