Gaultherieae, are flowering shrubs related to Cranberries,
Blueberries, Bilberries, Lingonberries, and Huckleberries. Members of
the genus Diplycosia are
found across Southeast Asia and New Guinea. The genus contains about
116 species, distinguished from other Wintergreens by their whole
leaf margins fasciculate inflorescences, paired bracteoles borne at
the apex of the pedicel, anthers with terminal tubules but with
neither spurs nor disintegration tissue, and a capsule surrounded by
an accrescent, fleshy calyx, or rarely a berry.
a paper published in the journal PhytoKeys on 18 August 2016, PeterFritsch of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas and Victor
Amoroso of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in Mindanao at Central Mindanao University describe a new species of
Diplycosia from Mount
Apo Natural Park in North Cotabato Province on Mindanao Isand.
new species is named Diplycosia platyphylla,
where 'platyphylla'
means 'wide-leaved', the leaves being notably wider than those of all
other known species in the genus. The plants are small erect shrubs,
reaching about 60 cm in height. Flowers are pinkish, as are new
leaves, the bark is grey. Fruit are fleshy, red and produced in
platyphylla. (A) Habitat. (B)
Habit. (C) Branchlet with inflorescences. Fritsche & Amoroso
The species was seen growing only at a single location, growing on
volcanic gravel on an old rockslide in the Tropical Lower Montane
Rain Forest biome at an altitude of 1718 m. Due to the low number of
specimens observed, Fritsch and Amoroso suggest the species should be
classified as Critically Endangered under the terms of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species.
platyphylla. Inflorescence.
Fritsche & Amoroso (2016).
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