Weevils of the genus
Orthotemnus were originally described from New Guinea, and
have subsequently been recorded from Australia, the Seychelles,
tropical Africa and the Russian Far East.
In a paper published in
the journal ZooKeys on 19 January 2015, Youssef Mohamed Omar of the
Faculty of Agriculture at Assiut University and the Institute of Zoology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Runzhi Zhang of the
Institute of Zoology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Steven Davis of the Division ofEntomology at the Natural History Museum and Department of Ecology &Evolutionary Biology at the University of Kansas describe a
new species of Orthotemnus from Jiangsu Province in China.
The new species is named
Orthotemnus longitarsus, meaning ‘long tarsus’. The
species is named from four male and four female specimens, all
collected from under trees in a park in Zijingshan. The males are
3.29-3.40 mm in length, the females 2.58-2.80 mm. All are reddish
brown in colour.
(Top) Female specimen
of Orthotemnus longitarsus in lateral view.
(Bottom) SEM image of male specimen of Orthotemnus
longitarsus in lateral view. Omar et al. (2015).
See also…

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