Monday 1 January 2024

Assessing the impact of predation on birth size in marine Snakes.

Moving from one environment to another exposes organisms to new selective pressures on life histories, and where multiple organisms from related lineages make the same transition, it presents an opportunity for biologists to analyse these pressures. For example, Squamates (Snakes and Lizards) which migrate from warm environments to cooler ones frequently switch from egg-laying to bearing live young, while Birds making the same transition tend to produce smaller clutches of eggs.

Birth size is considered to be a fundamental life-history trait, subject to a number of evolutionary pressures. Where intraspecific competition is low, smaller birth sizes are often a result, as offspring survival is not dependent on size at birth. Conversely, larger birth size can be driven by a number of factors, for example a lack of small prey can drive up birth size in species where the young must hunt for themselves, as only larger neonates are able to capture enough prey to survive. 

The shift from a terrestrial habitat to a marine one presents organisms with a variety of different challenges, including thermal regimes, oxygen availability, light levels, ocean currents, types of predators, prey, competitors and pathogens. Nevertheless, the marine environment clearly presents opportunities for terrestrial Tetrapods, with numerous lineages of Mammals, Reptiles, and even Birds having made the transition. Elapid (Front-fanged) Snakes have made this transition at least three times, with the Sea Kraits, Laticaudinae, having split from terrestrial relatives in Asia about 16 million years ago, while at least two lineages within the Australian subfamily Hydrophiinae (together referred to as Sea Snakes) switched to a marine habit more recently. The three lineages show convergent evolution for a number of traits, including the development of laterally compressed bodies with paddle-like tails, the appearance of salt-excreting glands, and common life-history traits. A fourth group of (non-Elapid) Snakes, the Acrochordidae, are semi-aquatic, and often semi-marine in habit, and show some of these traits.

Marine Snakes typically produce fewer young than terrestrial Snakes, which has been linked to a need for gravid females to retain a hydrodynamic shape. Nevertheless, the offspring are typically larger at birth than those of their terrestrial relatives, which would seem to work against this.

In a paper published in the journal Royal Society Open Science on 13 December 2023, Richard Shine of the School of Natural Sciences at Macquarie UniversityShai Meiri of the School of Zoology and Steinhardt Museum of Natural History at Tel-Aviv University, Terri Shine and Gregory Brown, also of the School of Natural Sciences at Macquarie University, and Claire Goiran of LabEx Corail and  Institut de sciences exactes et appliquées at the Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, examine the possibility that size-selective predation on young Snakes could be the driver of increased neonatal size in Marine Snakes.

Smaller terrestrial Snakes are known to be vulnerable to a wider range of predators than larger Snakes, with many predators targeting smaller Snakes while actively avoiding larger ones. However, predation rates on smaller Snakes can be lower than on larger individuals, due to the ability of small Snakes to remain inactive in well-hidden retreats.

Marine Snakes are less able to do this, as they must ascend to the surface to breath. This means that Snakes must leave their protective shelters and cross open water, where they are vulnerable to predation, several times per day. Predation of Snakes by large Fish during these crossings is well-documented, supporting the hypothesis that this is a risky endeavour for marine Snakes.

In order to test the hypothesis, Shine et al. first examined records of birth sizes in both marine and terrestrial Snakes, to confirm that the perceived trend was in fact real, then carried out experimental trials with model Snakes of different sizes to see if smaller Snakes were in fact more vulnerable to predation.

Shine et al. obtained data on hatchling and neonate sizes (Snakes can lay eggs or bear live young, but this does not appear to affect infant size much) and snout-vent lengths of adult females of 166 species of terrestrial, semi-aquatic, and marine Snakes, from published literature and the collection of the Steinhardt Museum. Semi-aquatic Snakes were found to produce slightly smaller offspring than terrestrial Snakes on average. However, the sample size for these Snakes was very small, and the subject was not investigated further. The adult snout-vent length for female Snakes in the study averaged at 800 mm, with the offspring of terrestrial Snakes having an average length of 200 mm, and the average length of new-born marine Snakes being 300 mm. 

Based upon this, Shine et al. hypothesised that a 200 mm Snake would be at significantly higher risk of predation in a typical marine Snake environment than a 300 mm Snake. To test this, an experiment was devised in which commercially available fibreglass fishing lures designed to resemble Snakes had their hooks removed and additional weights added to ensure they retained negative buoyancy, and were painted black to resemble the most common colour morph of the locally abundant Turtlehead Sea Snake, Emydocephalus  annulatus. These were then dragged by a snorkeler, Claire Goiran, over Coral reefs off the island of Ile aux Canards in New Caledonia, while a second snorkeler, Richard Shine, followed and recorded the reaction of large predatory Fish to the lures. 

A Camouflage Grouper, Epinephelus polyphekadion, following a black Snake-shaped lure, immediately prior to launching an attack. Teri Shine in Shine et al. (2023).

During 47 trials, Shine et al. recorded 114 responses. These included 38 attacks, and 76 encounters in which Fish followed the lure but did not attack. The size of the lure did not appear to influence whether or not Fish followed it, but they were significantly more likely to attack the smaller lures. Similarly, larger Fish were more likely to attack the lures, while smaller Fish tended to break off following without attacking. Thus, the majority of attacks were by large Fish on small lures.

Multiple lineages of Snakes which have invaded marine habitats have had an increase in neonatal size, combined with a reduced brood size (which are probably connected). Shine et al.'s study suggests that increased predation on smaller Snakes is a plausible explanation for this (although they stress that the results of their study cannot be taken as an absolute proof).

Shine et al. also note that larger Snakes are more likely to survive attacks by Fish, noting that two incidents of Snakes being seized by Fish and then released because the Fish was unable to overpower the Snake have been recorded on reefs close to their study area. In one of these incidents a Chocolate Grouper, Cephalopholis  boenak, unsuccessfully attacked a Turtlehead Sea Snake, Emydocephalus  annulatus, and in the other a Reef Stonefish, Synanceia verrucosa, was forced to break off an attack on a Blue Lipped Sea Krait, Laticauda  laticaudata, suggesting that larger size may present an advantage to young Snakes in surviving attacks, even if Fish do not discriminate against larger Snakes when choosing whether to attack.

Reef Stonefish, Synanceia verrucosa, making an unsuccessful attack on a Blue Lipped Sea Krait, Laticauda  laticaudata, off the coast of Ile aux Canards in October 2022. Richard Fish/iNaturalist.

Predation is often cited as a likely cause of evolutionary pressure, influencing traits such as size and colouration. However, direct evidence of such impacts is difficult to gather accurate information on this unless predation rates are extremely high. Furthermore, it is difficult to design experiments looking at predatory behaviour for larger Animals without running into ethical and logistical constraints.

Predation is not the only driver of larger size in young marine Snakes which has been made, but it does seem to be the best supported by the available evidence. 

It has been suggested that larger size may provide an advantage when swimming, with smaller Snakes potentially being less efficient swimmers, using more energy to go slower. However, research into Sea Kraits has shown that smaller individuals have a higher swimming speed relative to crawling speed than larger individuals, suggesting that in these marine Snakes smaller size produces an advantage when swimming. 

Another possibility is that larger size in neonatal marine Snakes might be driven by prey size, with a shortage of suitable prey capturable by smaller Snakes creating a need for infant Snakes to be as large as possible. However, many Sea Snakes feed on smaller prey, notably members of the genus Emydocephalus are specialist feeders on Fish eggs, and several members of the genus Hydrophis have miniaturized heads and slender forebodies that enable them to penetrate the burrows of the small Fish upon which they prey.

Another possibility is that intraspecific competition drives larger size in young marine Snakes, with larger individuals excluding smaller individuals from better territories or access to prey. However, aggressive behaviour between members of the same species has never been observed in marine Snakes, making this unlikely.

Finally, larger size can act as a buffer against temperature changes, with larger bodies taking longer to either warm up or cool down that smaller bodies, thereby giving the Snakes more time to react to changes in conditions. However, marine environments offer much more protection against such temperature fluctuations than terrestrial ones, due to the high conductivity of water, making this highly unlikely as a driver of size in marine Snakes.

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